
The website and Company, Ace Star Solutions Limited is managed by E-Commerce Solutions Korea Co. Ltd. We recognise the importance of protecting your personal information and are committed to safeguarding the personal information that you share with us online. We have this privacy policy as well as security measures which are intended to ensure that all of your personal information is handled in a safe and responsible manner at all times.

We have also provided this privacy so that you may agree to the information we collect from you, how it is handles and who this information might be shared with. Please make sure that you read this privacy policy carefully. This policy covers the collection and use of certain information that might be collected by the company when you interact with this website, such as setting up an account or downloading an eBook.

By accessing and using this service then you agree to the terms of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this privacy policy, if not then you may not use this website.

Collecting personal information

When you engage in certain activities on this website such as setting up an account, placing an order, downloading content or material or contacting a member of the team for support, then we may ask you to provide certain information about yourself. These activities are optional for you to engage in, however if you want to be able to use all of the services of this website then you will need to become a member and set up an account which will require you to provide information such as your name, title, mailing, shipping and billing address, email address, payment and billing information.


When you submit information to the website when setting up an account or placing an order, then your information is protected both online and offline. This website uses Secure Sockets Layer encryption, which is the highest level of encryption available. All information will be encrypted upon submission. This is done in order to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of any of the information that has been provided.

While we strive to make sure all of the information that you have submitted to us at all times is protected, please be aware that no data transmission over the internet can be 100% secure. Therefore we can not guarantee or warrant the security of any of the information that you send to us and you do so at your own risk. Once the information you have submitted to us has been received, we will always to everything in our power to make sure that it is stored safely on our systems.

We take all appropriate security measures in order to protect this information from any unauthorised access or alteration, the disclosure or the destruction of data. Sometimes we may hire other companies to provide some services on our behalf. In this case then these companies will only be provided with the information that they need in order to provide the service and they are strictly forbidden from using this information for any other purpose.

At time we may be required by law to disclose some information. We reserve the right to disclose some of your information as required by law as and when we believe that the disclosure of this information is necessary in order to protect our rights or in order to comply with a. judicial proceedings, court order or any other legal process.

Your Rights

Under the rules of GDPR, all users have the following rights with regards to their data:

  • The right to access the personal data
  • To request to remove or restrict access to the personal data
  • To withdraw consent to the processing of any data at any time
  • To take legal action regarding any potential breach of a customer’s rights
  • To receive a copy of the personal data that is stored

Data collection

We may sometimes collect limited non-personally identifiable information that your browser makes available when you visit this website. This log information includes information which includes but is not limited to your IP address, software and hardware attributes, your page history and in some cases cookies which we may use to identify your browser. We use this information to develop and improve the services that we offer.


This website uses cookies in order to enhance your experience with the website. Cookies are small text files which place in your computer’s browser in order to store your preferences. Cookies do not inform us of any personal information about you. We use cookies to help us to understand the site usage. If you do not want to have the use of cookies then they can be disabled.

Changes to this privacy statement

This policy may be updated as we continue to update our website and our services. Please make sure that you check back regularly to this page to see if there have been any changes.


If you have any questions about any of the information in this privacy policy or if you want to know more about our privacy practices then please get in touch with us.